Complete application Process

Apply Now

Personal Details

Permanent Address


Application Fees Payment

Application Fees Payment

  • How to apply
  • Personal Details
  • Permanent Address
  • Academics
  • Application Fees Payment


  • Ensure you have scanned copies of all required documents. These include your official academic certificates and/or result slips, bank deposit slips, etc. certified by licensed examination bodiess.
  • All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled correctly.
  • Any attempt(s) to falsify information will result in immediate invalidation of your application.
  • A mandatory application fee of KES 1000 is required to process your application. For Lipa Karo na M-Pesa:
    • Go to 'Lipa na Mpesa' on your M-Pesa menu
    • Select 'Pay Bill'
    • Enter Business No. 522123
    • Account Name option type the school code: (39764K)(Student Name)
    • Pay amount KES 1000
    • Enter your M-Pesa confirmation code in the field provided on the online application form
    For direct bank deposit, use the following details:
    • Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)
    • Account Name: OLL MUTOMO COLLEGE
    • Account Number: 1174296259
    • Scan and upload payment confirmation slip
  • Upon completion, you should get a confirmation message on your screen that your application has been received and is PENDING
  • Within 24 hours, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed with your application
  • Personal Details


    First Name

    Second Name

    Last Name


    Date of Birth

    National Id/Passport No



    Nearest Town

    Physical Challenge

    Do you have any physical challenges?

    If Yes - Give details of physical challenge

    Permanent Address

    P.O. BOX


    Phone Number



    Programme Applied For

    Preferred Intake

    Passport photo

    Max. size: 512.0 MB

    Educational Background

    Primary School Education

    School Name



    Marks Attained

    Upload Results Slip

    Max. size: 512.0 MB

    Secondary School Education *




    Certificate Attained


    Upload Secondary School Results Slip

    Max. size: 512.0 MB


    Please indicate how you intend to finance your studies.

    If Financial aid Give the details of financing institution

    Application Fees Payment

  • A mandatory application fee of KES 1000 is required to process your application. For Lipa Karo na M-Pesa:
    • Go to 'Lipa na Mpesa' on your M-Pesa menu
    • Select 'Pay Bill'
    • Enter Business No. 522123
    • Account Name option type the school code: (39764K)(Student Name)
    • Pay amount KES 1000
    • Enter your M-Pesa confirmation code in the field provided on the online application form
    For direct bank deposit, use the following details:
    • Bank Name: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)
    • Account Name: OLL MUTOMO COLLEGE
    • Account Number: 1174296259
    • Scan and upload payment confirmation slip
  • Choose your preferred mode of payment

    MPESA Code or Bank Deposit Details

    Upload bank confirmation Details

    Max. size: 512.0 MB